from 01.09.1988 until now
Voronezh State University of Forestry and Technologies named after G.F. Mo-rozov
The problem of processing industrial products and waste from various industries containing metallic mercury or its compounds, which is acute in connection with the increasing requirements for environmental protection and, in particular, water resources, is considered. The results of calculation of the formation of mercury-containing waste and the development of a set of measures for the rational use of water resources of the OPS LLC «EVO» are presented. The environmental impact of the environmental impact assessment of OPS LLC «EVO» was assessed. As a result of such an assessment, the main sources of pollution of the water basin were identified. An assessment of the environmental impact of the LLC «EVO» company and analysis of the technology for processing mercury-containing wastes were carried out. The developed comprehensive measures for the protection and rational use of water resources will contribute to improving the level of environmental safety.
modeling, mercury-containing waste, waste processing, measures, water resources, toxic substances, technological objects, environmental safety
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