Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Purpose: Improving the quality of radiation assessment of patients of the medical institution of the dental profile using the calculated values of effective doses. Material and methods: Using the RED-2018 and ORTO-2018 programs, the values of effective patient exposure doses for 29 medical organizations of the dental profile were calculated. The obtained values of the effective dose were compared with the values specified in the methodological recommendations MP 0100 / 1659-07-26 of February 16, 2007 “Filling of forms of federal state statistical observation 3-DOZ”. Results: The analysis showed that the doses obtained using the RED-2018 and ORTO-2018 computer programs, respectively, are 21 and 14 times lower than the doses indicated in the methodological recommendations MP 0100 / 1659-07-26. Conclusion: It is shown that the developed computer programs can be applied by a dentist practicing physician who performs an x-ray examination in order to automatically and reliably determine the patient’s dose when performing x-ray-mathematical studies in accordance with the guidelines of MU “Monitoring effective doses of patients during x-ray examinations” also used in the preparation of radiation hygienic passports of organizations and statistical form 3-DOZ. The indication of the actually calculated values of the effective dose of the patient, rather than repeatedly overestimated averages, will reduce the level of radiophobia in society.

absorbed radiation dose, dose determination, dose per procedure, X-ray diagnostic, dentistry

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7. Certificate of state registration of computer program No. 2018616170 "Program for calculating the effective dose of radiation of patients with dental x-ray studies ORTO-2018." (date of state registration in the Register of computer programs May 24, 2018) (In Russ.).

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