Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
GRNTI 14.15 Система образования
GRNTI 14.25 Общеобразовательная школа. Педагогика общеобразовательной школы
The article discusses ways to overcome the social and pedagogical problems of immigrant children based on the practice of the modern Russian language comprehensive school in the aspect of their social adaptation and further successful education. The possibilities of the educational system are revealed, in particular, the forms of events that promote the socio-cultural adaptation of children of immigrants of primary school age are described.
foreign citizens; immigrants social and pedagogical problems of children of immigrants; adaptation; difficulties in studying at a comprehensive school; native language.
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2. Pavlova N.P., Lomteva E.V. Sovremennyj rebenok - pokazatel' social'nogo statusa sem'i [The modern child - an indicator of the social status of the family]. Rebyonok v sovremennom obrazovatel'nom prostranstve megapolisa: materialy IV Vserossijskoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii [The child in the modern educational space of the metropolis: materials of the IV All-Russian scientific-practical conference]. Moscow: Pero Publ., 2017, pp. 257-263.; EDN:
3. Sinyakova M.G. Psihologo-pedagogicheskie usloviya sociokul'turnoj adaptacii migrantov v obrazovatel'nom prostranstve megapolisa [Psychological and pedagogical conditions of the socio-cultural adaptation of migrants in the educational space of a megalopolis]. Mir obrazovaniya - obrazovanie v mire [World of Education - Education in the World]. 2010, I. 2, pp. 16-24.; EDN: