Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In this paper the question related to the use of receptor (voxel) method for geometric modeling to solve practical design problems has been considered. The use of receptor methods is effective in solving a certain class of problems, primarily the problems of automated layout. The complexity of this method’s practical use is due to the fact, that receptor geometric models are never the primary ones. They are formed based on parametric models specified by designer. Receptor models are the internal machine ones. The main problem that prevents the widespread use of the receptor method is the lack of universal methods for converting parametric models into the receptor ones. Available publications show that in solving practical problems various authors have developed their own methods for creating receptor models for objects of "primitives" and "composition of primitives" classes. Therefore, it is extremely urgent to solve the problem of developing a universal method of forming receptor models for objects of complex technical forms. The essence of the proposed method is the transformation of a solid-state model created in a CAD system into a receptor matrix. First in the physical one, in which the solid-state model is discretized into cubes with receptor sizes, and then in the mathematical one — a three-dimensional array with binary codes of zeros and ones. The creation of a physical receptor matrix is carried out by means of the CAD-system itself, allowing diagnose the belonging of a single receptor to a simulated object. The fact of intersection or non-intersection a given position by a single receptor is encoded by "1" and "0" respectively, and this information is transferred to a mathematical receptor model (3-dimensional binary array). This calculation procedure is programmed in the form of a macro, providing a given position of a single receptor and fixing the fact of its intersection with the solid-state model. Have been demonstrated examples for described method’s practical application, and has been carried out CPU time cost estimation for the construction of a physical receptor model depending on the receptor size and object geometric complexity. Actions on data transformation from a solid-state model to a receptor one have been implemented in the form of C# programs.

geometric models, receptor models, automated layout, CAD systems, solid-state models, macros

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