Multiple sclerosis is the most frequent disease of the central nervous system. An increase in multiple sclerosis frequency was registered in several countries including Russia. This may be associated with better multiple sclerosis diagnosis and treatment, better data collection and real increase in multiple sclerosis incidence. Early disability and its rapid progression emphasize the medico-social importance of multiple sclerosis. Neuropsychological disturbances are often observed in multiple sclerosis, being one of the important components in the formation of clinical disease. 43 patients living in the North region with definite multiple sclerosis and mild or moderate disability were tested with expended neuropsychological, neurological and study of quality of life. The purpose of the study was to analyze the role of cognitive, emotional and personal peculiarities at multiple sclerosis on quality of life. To assess quality of life the authors used SF-36. The results of this study of quality of life revealed significant differences in the physical, role and social components depending on the cognitive peculiarities.
multiple sclerosis, quality of life, cognitive peculiarities.
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