Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The changes in oxidative status indicators in patients with newly diagnosed HIV/AIDS-associated pulmonary tuberculosis after the treatment depending on the course of the therapy were evaluated. It was found the increasing in the levels of protein peroxidation markers in spontaneous and induced oxidation and of lipid peroxidation markers in patients who treated with standard anti-TB and antiretroviral therapy in the dynamics. Its indicates the rise of the oxidative stress severity and disruption of adaptive-compensatory mechanisms, that exacerbates the disease. There were decreased levels of oxidative stress markers in dynamics and in comparison with indicators of other patients after 3 months of treatment in patients, who received the additional treatment with additional pathogenetic therapy with the inclusion of Contrycal, Glutoxim and laser therapy. The antioxidant protection indicators in patients, who received the additional pathogenetic treatment returned to normal or increased in the dynamics and these levels were higher, than that of other patients. In patients, treated with standard therapy, most indicators decreased in dynamics and in comparison with rates in control patients, and patients from the1 group. This suggests an imbalance in the oxidative status in the body after the standard treatment appointment and necessity of its pathogenetic correction.

HIV/AIDS-associated newly diagnosed pulmonary tuberculosis, oxidative status, the dynamics of oxidative status markers Contrycal, Glutoxim, laser therapy

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