The article presents the results of experimental research on monofilament suture with different biodegradation periods when implanted into trachea tissue. The data obtained via histological, morphological and morphometric methods have been shown that application of monofilament suture material with long biodegradation period causes evident inflammatory reaction of trachea tissue, which persists through the entire period of monitoring, by 30th day the cell index value is 0.4±0.05. Unlike monofilament non-absorbable suture and suture with short biodegradation period, the application of which is marked with active proliferative process on the 14th day, the cell index is equal to 0,9±0.05 and 1,1±0,06 respectively. The obtained data demonstrate that application of monofilament suture material with long-term biodegradation period in tracheal surgery is non-desirable as the inflammatory process maintained by the suture material under conditions of high contamination by bacteria and active process of mucus formation will adversely affect healing. Application of suture with short-term biodegradation period in acute trachea injury treatment is optimal due to the fact that the organ tissue shows minimal reaction to suture and 60 days later the suture is completely absorbed, that means will not cause further complications.
monofilament suture, biodegradation period, operations on trachea
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