Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Despite the high level of modern dentistry, caries and its complications are a leading place in the structure of dental pathology in children. Much of the scientific research of the last five years dedicated to errors in endodontic practice dentist therapist providing dental services to the adult population. However, the latest treatment technologies, used in adult dentistry, may not always apply in the child. The above confirms the need for further study of the treatment of complications of primary teeth caries in children, search for methods to improve its effectiveness. The groups of a clinical study consisted of children aged 4 to 9 years without severe somatic pathology, with temporary teeth at the stage of formation, formed of root resorption of the roots, which allowed to obtaining comparable results. After the necessary diagnostic methods, the treatment of chronic pulpitis was selected (K04.0, K04.3); the methods devital amputation, non-vital extirpation, removing vital were used. Biological method didn’t use. Chronic apical periodontitis (K04.5), treatment was to be temporary teeth in the absence of resorption of the roots (both physiological and pathological), and in the absence of evidence of exacerbation of the inflammatory process, assessed the degree of destruction of the temporary tooth crown (no more than 1/2). Treatment of periodontitis temporary teeth was performed in 2-3 visits. Control examination was conducted in the next (after 7 - 10 days) and long-term period (one year). Assessment of the quality of treatment in short-and long-term was carried out in the points. The results of the research quality of dental care in children allow to develop phased system of control with regard to ball assess the quality of treatment of complicated forms of dentition caries in children in the immediate and long terms. The obtained data will allow to developing a computer-based monitoring program for the state of dental health of children, and will allow the dentist to perform the correction of therapeutic and preventive measures at the individual level.

complicated caries of deciduous teeth, endodontic treatment

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