Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The effect of the radiofrequency ablation on the healing of experimental mechanical damage, formed in the synovium, menisci, and fat body in the rat knee joints was analyzed in this paper. To generate a cold plasma the bipolar radiofrequency electrode “CoVac 50 Wand” of apparatus ‘Atlas’ (ArthroCare, USA), applied in modes 3 (150 V, 68 W) and 6 (225 V, 160 W) was used. The results of the healing of the spontaneous regeneration and after cold ablation monitored within 3 and 6 weeks after the injury were presented. Dimensionless surface factor, estimated volume of the regeneration, and numerical density of cells was used to prove morphologically the beneficial effect of radiofrequency ablation. As a result, the optimal effect of this impact procedure was shown in respect of the restoration of meniscus defects in mode of 6 (225 V, 160 W) and the restoration of synovium and fat body defects in mode of 3 (150 V, 68 W). It was recommended the treatment of fat body by gentle way. It was shown that the phenomenon of «smoothing-maker» doesn’t typical for the soft tissues, and coblative processing even in an optimal mode only contributes to the formation of a thin scar in the place of tissue defects.

hyaline cartilage, meniscus, fat body, synovium, radiofrequency ablation, morphology

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