Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Work abrasive dental rotary tool is associated with tissue damage teeth. In case of non-observance of the thermal mode of preparation, it is possible the development traumatic pulpitis and violation of the local structure of hard tissues. To reduce unwanted consequences of preparation of teeth is mandatory, subject to such rules as the conduct of a stage of preparation of water-air cooling, the correct selection tool to perform certain tasks, the use of qualitative new tools, etc. One of the recommendations which aim to reduce the undesirable effects of preparation of hard tooth tissues, is to limit the load on the tool. In the available literature found research dedicated to finding the optimal values load on the tool preparation. It is believed that the load on the tool preparation to be about 20 g. At various times, the authors developed several devices designed to bring the power supply dental rotary tool to the recommended values. However, in the available literature hasn’t been met mention of using the proposed device. Thus, the problem of control load preparation remains unresolved. The authors developed a device that allows for preparation of teeth with preset effort. The article provides a technical description of the proposed device.

preparation teeth, load, device

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