Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
The article summarizes the features of the development of modern educational space in a high-tech society based on the analysis of domestic and foreign studies. It is shown that the explosive development of digital technologies, mobile Internet, and VR / AR technologies dramatically make digital skills in demand; the boundaries that existed between personal space and the space that was previously called "work space" are being erased. The responsibilities of each employee and their area of responsibility are being seriously expanded into related areas. Routine work is transferred to robots, many new professions are created, and conditions are created to reveal the inner potential of each employee. The structure of the global educational market, which is characterized by high competition, is developing. It is concluded that the key vector in the development of educational technologies is determined by the need to Supplement the existing formats of educational products for teaching digital skills with new approaches based on mobile learning and the use of artificial intelligence. Evaluating the cost of improving the effectiveness of digital skills training identifies a separate problem in terms of ensuring the effectiveness of the training impact. Learning in a digital distance environment requires significantly higher density and fractional evaluation.
high-tech society, education for the digital economy, educational market, didactics of the digital age
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