Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The issue of spiritual and moral education of student youth is very relevant for modern science and practice. The article substantiates the need for spiritual and moral education of the young generation on Christian values. The accumulated experience in introducing the value foundations of Christianity in the system of work of a higher educational institution is highlighted. The purpose of the study is to establish the psychological patterns and mechanisms of spiritual and moral education of the student’s personality through the initiation and adoption of Christian values. Achieving the goal of the study involved solving the following issues: to carry out a psychological theoretical and methodological analysis of the problem of spiritual and moral education of a person; offer a system of psychological and pedagogical exercises aimed at promoting the spiritual and moral education of the student’s personality; to develop and test a training program for the spiritual formation of the student’s personality. The author proposed mechanisms for the formation of spiritual values of the student’s personality, developed psychological training for the formation of the spirituality of the student’s personality.

moral education, Christian values, spiritual potential, Christian morality, psychological training, criteria of spirituality

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