from 01.01.2019 until now
Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
In accordance with the Federal Law of December 26, 2008 No. 294-ФЗ “On the Protection of the Rights of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs in the Implementation of State Control (Supervision) and Municipal Control”, state control (supervision) bodies and municipal control bodies are required to: organize and carry out measures to prevent violations of mandatory requirements, including without interaction with legal entities, individual entrepreneurs; take measures prescribed by law to suppress and (or) eliminate the consequences of identified violations; systematically monitor the fulfillment of mandatory requirements, analyze and predict the status of compliance with mandatory requirements when carrying out activities by legal entities, individual entrepreneurs; annually in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation, report on the effectiveness of their activities. At the same time, the legislator did not formulate the definitions of the terms “effective control (supervision)” and “prevention of violations” in the field of education, and the reports on effectiveness and prevention are reduced mainly to quantitative indicators of measures taken, warnings issued, prepared materials, etc. The author of the article, having studied the normative legal acts, having analyzed the practice of carrying out preventive measures in the field of education in the city of Moscow and other subjects of the Russian Federation, presents a scientific look at the institute of the effectiveness and efficiency of prevention in the field of education, gives the results of studies on this issue (using the example of the metropolitan education system).
education, control, supervision, efficiency, effectiveness, prevention, verification, educational organization
1. Federal'nyj zakon ot 29.12.2012 № 273-FZ «Ob obrazovanii v Rossijskoj Federacii» [Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”].
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6. Alimov G.T., Ladnushkina N.M., Pashencev D.A., Fyoklin S.I. Kontrol' i nadzor v sfere obrazovaniya [Education Control and Supervision]. Moscow: Knigodel Publ., 2020, p. 184.
7. Vetrov N.I. «Kriminologicheskaya harakteristika pravonarushenij molodezhnogo vozrasta» ["Criminological characteristics of youth offenses"]. Moscow, 1981.
8. Fyoklin S.I., Ladnushkina N.M. Effektivnost' kontrol'no-nadzornoj deyatel'nosti v sfere obrazovaniya [The effectiveness of control and supervision in the field of education]. Profil'naya shkola [Profile School]. 2017, I. 4 (85), pp. 16−28.
9. Fyoklin S.I. Profilakticheskaya funkciya kontrol'no-nadzornoj deyatel'nosti v sfere obrazovaniya [The preventive function of control and supervision in the field of education]. Profil’naya shkola [Profile School]. 2017, I. 5 (86), pp. 10−16.