Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Global changes taking place in all spheres of life have had an impact on the sphere of education. The school should prepare a graduate who is able to successfully socialize and be in demand and competitive. That is why the problem of professional self-determination and choice of the future profession for students is especially acute. According to the authors, the training of professional personnel of the XXI century should be carried out in educational organizations with preprofessional training, which is the basis for obtaining high-quality professional education in the very near future. The authors of the article describe the environment of professional self-determination on the basis of early vocational guidance and pre-professional training of schoolchildren, which includes the following blocks: resources, activities, results. The material of the authors can be useful for creating an environment for professional self-determination, early career guidance and pre-professional training of students in educational organizations that will ensure the emergence of a graduate of a “new type” — a young man with the ability to consciously choose a professional path in unity with professional mobility.

professional self-determination, early career guidance: pre-professional training, the environment of professional self-determination

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