Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The relevance of this article is dictated by the requirements of time, as it reflects the inclusion of a mechanism for optimizing the communicative and educational potential by means of multimedia resources in the development of legal disciplines in a specialized University. Multimedia technologies have become a feature of modern communication in the context of professional education. It is impossible not to take into account and even more so not to use this factor in the educational process: this is one of the conditions for successful training of a lawyer. One of the ways to optimize the communicative and educational potential of professional education is to use multimedia resources. The article presents ways, techniques and methods of using multimedia resources in classroom classes in legal disciplines, in particular, by the example of teaching the discipline «Administrative law». The authors summarize and analyze the experience of foreign and Russian studies of the concept of thematic potential, updating the meaning of communication and educational, and present their own methodology for optimizing it.

communication and educational potential, multimedia resources, E. Dale’s experience cone, administrative law, legal techniques, legal terminology, methods for optimizing communication and educational potential, performance monitoring

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