This article is devoted to the development of a model for enhancing the development of the mineral fertilizer industry, which involves the use of a sequentially-parallel approach to implement state support measures and digital transformation of enterprises in this industry. Currently, there is a growing influence of Industry 4.0 and digital technologies on enterprises of the mineral fertilizer industry. These enterprises are of strategically important economic interest for the national economy, as they are objects whose hallmarks are their large-scale, high-tech, high level of dependence on environmental conditions. An analysis of the level of development of the mineral fertilizer industry made it possible to identify a high level of export orientation of the products of enterprises in this industry. The digital transformation of the mineral fertilizer industry is currently hampered by the one-sidedness of the adopted state programs for the development of the industry, which are based on an extensive increase in production capacities that can gradually solve the problem of physical deterioration of fixed assets, but which does not provide an effective institutional environment that stimulates the creation of innovations and the introduction of digital technologies. While the experience of leading countries indicates that the implementation of the Industry 4.0 concept, aimed at the widespread adoption of digitalization processes, can increase the organization’s innovative potential and ensure the world level of competitiveness of mineral fertilizer products. A model for enhancing the development of the mineral fertilizer industry is proposed, based on the use of a sequentially-parallel method in the development and implementation of a set of measures, the implementation of which covers all levels of management both to create and maintain a favorable innovative climate in the framework of macroeconomics as a whole, and to develop the interaction of participants in the industry level and at the level of industrial enterprises themselves.
chemical industry development, development of the mineral fertilizer industry, digitalization digital transformation, digital technology, government support measures
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