Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article discusses the urgent problem for the modern education system of conducting correctional and pedagogical work with different groups of students with limited health opportunities, which arose in connection with the implementation of adapted educational programs in educational institutions of the usual type. The models of correctional pedagogy, its content, methods and forms are analyzed, the practical experience of using a differentiated approach to organizing integrated correctional and developing classes in mixed groups of children with special educational needs is revealed. Based on a study conducted on the basis of the Home-Based School of Education № 381 in Moscow, the specific difficulties encountered by schoolchildren of the first and second grades with various health problems during training are described, and in accordance with this, the principles of their distribution into groups are determined.

primary schoolchildren with special educational needs; home school; educational organization; adapted and individual basic educational programs of primary general education; differentiated approach; models of corrective pedagogy; integrated classes in mixed groups of students with disabilities; features of correctional development work

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