GRNTI 14.15 Система образования
GRNTI 14.25 Общеобразовательная школа. Педагогика общеобразовательной школы
The article reveals the teacher’s experience in organizing the textual activity of second-grade students at Russian language lessons. The methodology of working with texts of various types makes it possible to form an understanding of the specifics of descriptive, narrative texts and reasoning tests among younger schoolchildren: students compare texts, analyze their content, and highlight the features of the used expressive means. Such work contributes to the development of the ability of younger schoolchildren to compose texts of various types according to the model.
second-grade students; Russian language lessons; text activity; types of texts: descriptive, narrative; reasoning texts; used expressive means
1. Vasil'evyh I.P. Obuchenie shkol'nikov analiticheskoj tekstovoj deyatel'nosti dlya formirovaniya u nih umenij sozdavat' sobstvennye teksty [Teaching schoolchildren analytic textual activity to form their skills in creating their own texts]. Nachal'noe obrazovanie [Primary Education]. 2019, I. 2, pp. 26-33.
2. Polyakova E.I. Obuchenie mladshih shkol'nikov sozdaniyu teksta-rassuzhdeniya [Teaching younger schoolchildren to create a text-reasoning]. Nachal'noe obrazovanie [Primary Education]. 2018, I. 1, pp. 15-19.
3. Romanova V.Yu. Tvorcheskaya laboratoriya: izuchaem leksiku v nachal'noj shkole [Creative laboratory: learning vocabulary in elementary school]. Nachal'noe obrazovanie [Primary Education]. 2019, I. 1, pp. 42-46.
4. Uroki literaturnogo chteniya v sovremennoj nachal'noj shkole: kniga dlya uchitelya. 2 klass [Literary reading lessons in modern elementary school: a book for the teacher. Grade 2]. Moscow: Ventana-Graf Publ., 2017. 233 p.