Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
As you know, from ancient times to the present day, an individual approach to the patient has been and remains the most relevant in the framework of diagnosis, treatment and prevention of disease. In the modern world, the use of this approach is called personalized medicine, that is, "a rapidly developing field of healthcare based on an integrated, coordinated and individual approach for each patient to analyze the occurrence and course of the disease." From the foregoing, it becomes apparent that taking into account the constitutional features of the patient in the framework of anthropological teaching is an integral component in the supervision of each specific patient. A considerable number of facts accumulated in modern literature, indicates the constitutional conditionality of the parameters of the human body at different levels. It is this approach in the study of a macroorganism that allows one to get a more complete picture of not only the whole variety of forms and factors of system variability, but also to reveal patterns between the individual somatic constitution of a person, that is, a somatotype, and its other systems, in particular the digestive system. In the development of chronic gastroduodenitis, the hereditary-constitutional factor is one of the most important.

constitution types, chronic gastroduodenitis, Helicobacter pylori, asthenic, normosthenic, hypersthenic.

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