Russian Federation
Tula, Tula, Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Russian Federation
This report presents the results of chromatography-mass spectrometry of a chloroform extract obtained after preliminary sequential exhaustive extraction of the bark of ordinary oak (petiole) n-hexane and toluene. The purpose of the study is to significantly expand the range of compounds that determine the composition of the organic matter of the bark of ordinary oak (petiole). Materials and research methods. The dried raw material is ground to a powder in a porcelain laboratory mill, which is then subjected to exhaustive sequential extraction with n-hexane and toluene at boiling points. Then, the solid residue was dried to constant weight in a vacuum oven, and then extraction was carried out with chloroform at its boiling point. Extraction with chloroform was completed when the refractive index was reached equal to its initial value, after which chloroform was distilled off in a vacuum rotary evaporator to obtain a dark brown oily residue. Thus, we can conclude that the pharmacological effect of the chloroform extract of ordinary oak bark (petiolate) will be determined by the presence of significant amounts of sterols, hydrocarbons, which are dominated by arenes, alkenes and cycloalkanes, esters formed mainly by dicarboxylic acid (Oxalic acid).
oak bark, toluene extract, n-hexane, chloroform, chromatography-mass spectrometry.
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