Russian Federation
Modern life sets its priorities: not a simple knowledge of facts, not skills as such, but the ability to use what is acquired; not the amount of information, but the ability to get it and model; not consumerism, but creation and cooperation. Possession of these competencies by fifteen-year-old students is assessed in the international PISA study. To solve one of the key tasks of the national project "Education" - by 2024 to enter the TOP-10 countries in the quality of general education, it is important to answer the question: What should a teacher know and be able to prepare students for successful solution of PISA tasks? The article discusses the main approaches to assessing the functional literacy of students in the framework of the international PISA study, reveals the features and key characteristics of the competencies of each of the main areas of the PISA study. Methodological approaches to prepare students for solving PISA tasks in the classroom and extracurricular activities are given. The author focuses teachers on the necessary to master of certain professional competencies.
Programme for International Student Assessment, functional literacy, reader literacy, mathematical literacy, science literacy, financial literacy, global competencies, creative thinking
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