from 01.01.2016 to 01.01.2020
The article considers conditions of use professional orientation system personalized education system (PES) for the formation of professional identity in terms of secondarygeneral school. The article summarizes the practical experience of an individual-differentiated approach in the interaction of participants of a unified educational system in the field of professional self-determination with the inclusion of the family as a subject of PES. The author gives an example of a correlation analysis of the level of educational potential of family, level of readiness of classmen to professional self-determination and the extent to which career goals of graduates of general secondary school. Special attention is paid to designing a professionally-oriented PSV based on E.N. Stepanov's research on personalized education systems. The effectiveness of the implementation of a professionally-oriented personalized education system in the conditions of professional self-determination of classmen in general secondary school was experimentally tested and evaluated.
personalized educational system, Federal state educational standard, readiness for professional self-determination, educational potential of the family
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