Currently, there is an active introduction of information technology in the educational process at all levels of education. The article is devoted to one of the ways to improve the educational process in a university by introducing dynamic visual aids in the study of technological processes and is a generalization of the authors' experience. The need to use computer models is caused by a number of reasons, such as complexity, and sometimes the impossibility of demonstrating a number of technological processes in a different way, and as a result, the difficulty of perceiving these issues by students, especially those who study by correspondence. The introduction of dynamic visual aids in the educational process was preceded by the work of individual authors to develop a program for calculating and analyzing mechanisms of a parallel structure. In the course of using the program in laboratory studies, it was revealed that it provides an opportunity in a clear and accessible form to examine in detail the structure and operation of the parallel structure mechanism. Despite the fact that the authors generalized the experience gained in the training of future engineers, it can be extended to the training of teachers, the program of which includes acquaintance with technological processes.
informatization, education, technological training, computer technology, computer models, dynamic visual aids, mechanisms of parallel structure
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