Voronezh, Russian Federation
The purpose of this paper is to develop the promising areas of organizational and economic relations, based on the decisions of the existing institutional problems in regional transport infrastructure, ensuring the implementation of the strategic directions of development of social and economic aspects of transport policy to meet the national interests of the Russian regions in conditions of high dynamics of development of external economic relations. The paper presents the concept of formation of strategic directions for the management mechanism for regional transport infrastructure, based on a study of exogenous and endogenous causes of evolutionary change in the transport system in the region, the interaction of economic entities of regional transport system and organs of the municipal and regional level. The paper also analyzes the factors that directly affect the development of the transport infrastructure that will adaptively enable to modernize the infrastructure of the regional economic area. As conclusions, the authors propose a list of promising directions (depending on the target determination of the control level) of development of the organizational and economic relations in the regional transportation system, which displays unified transport system in the region (UTSR) on a new institutional level. Suggested areas are ranked according to three components: federal-regional, regional, and regional-municipal. Each of these components is detailed. Conclusions can be used by regional and municipal authorities in the preparation of programs of regional development and the formation of organizational structures in the regional and municipal authorities, as well as improvement of the management mechanism of the transport infrastructure required for the development and implementation of social and economic development of transport policy.
unified transport system in the region (UTSR), regional transportation infrastructure, strategic directions of UTSR, management of UTSR, infrastructure field, infrastructure provider, transport stream, transport corridor.
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