In modern conditions of functioning of forest enterprises one of the important problems is the problem of competitiveness. Enterprises are competitive only when they lead system intensive investment and innovative activity, which allows reducing production costs and increasing productivity. With reference to specific logging enterprise located in the Middle Angara region we considered innovative process development by improving the process of logging operations on the basis of modern machines with the taxation characteristics of the exploited forest, logging volume. Evaluating the effectiveness of the proposed investment was carried out in accordance with the guidelines on the assessment of investment projects. Application of this technique is quite labor intensive. At the initial stage, the selection of versions of machine systems can be carried out by the index of value of the efficiency of forest exploitation technologies. The results of evaluation of the effectiveness of forest exploitation technologies and evaluating the effectiveness of the proposed technology options to study enterprises have shown that the current assessment of the effectiveness of technologies can use the measure of the effectiveness of forest exploitation technologies, as well as a preliminary assessment of the effectiveness of investments.
forest industry, investments, economic efficiency, con-currentopacity, timber production, technology of forest exploitation.
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