Sankt-Peterburg, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
The paper is devoted to the consideration of a number of issues related to the creation of an algorithmic complex designed to solve positional and metric problems with quadrics on a projection model . A feature of the complex is the active use of geometric schemes and algorithms involving imaginary geometric images. In the paper has been presented a detailed description of constructive geometric algorithms for constructing of conics, quadrics and associated geometric images in a system of constructive geometric modeling – Simplex. All the discussed algorithms are available for independent repetition by the reader. In the paper have been presented and implemented algorithms for constructing conic from a point, a polar, and three points; constructing conic from two pairs of complex conjugate points and one real point; determination of a point on a quadric’s surface; setting a quadric by nine points in three-dimensional space. A new alternative frame of the quadric has been considered, based on which have been solved problems of constructing a tangent and a normal to the quadric, finding an intersection line of an arbitrary plane with the quadric, and performing polar and inverse transformations with respect to the quadric. Have been proposed algorithms for constructing an autopolar tetrahedron with respect to the quadric, and for constructing a conic from an autopolar triangle and two points. Have been considered problems of determining a collinear transformation in three-dimensional space and control the quadric through it. The implementation of the algorithms considered in the paper allowed conclude that there is an urgent need to develop tools for modeling imaginary conics, without which the complex of solving problems with quadrics cannot be taken for the complete one.
scientific visualization, constructive geometric modeling, geometric experiment, projective geometry, quadric, imaginary geometric images
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