Russian Federation
The article considers the psycho-emotional state of a person, which depends on the surrounding furniture, in this case, on its color scheme. Wood surrounds us everywhere and always, how does it affect us? Which wood is better in structure, in ease of production? What are the qualities of wood? And the main question is, what effect does wood furniture of different species have on us and how does it affect our health? We tried to find out these questions in our article. For the manufacture of furniture, it is necessary to use wood of a thin structure, which can be subjected to processing and apply a beautiful finish. Oak wood is suitable for the manufacture of bent furniture. It has large vessels and is well bent due to large vessels, while the wood fibers are not destroyed. At the end of the first year, students of the Forestry Faculty with a profile in furniture design and woodworking technology undergo practical training in the Vosmodrev workshop, gaining maximum knowledge about wood as a material for the manufacture of various types of products, processing and processing - production technologies. A very important factor is the color scheme, which is selected by the creators of the latest examples of the furniture industry for the emotional state of a person. It is important to consider which color causes which emotion - positive or negative.
эмоции, энергетика, человек, древесина, порода, цветовая гамма
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