Russian Federation
Voronezh, Voronezh, Russian Federation
The article deals with the problem of finding the necessary properties of a polymer composite material for the production of sleepers, which is solved by an experimental statistical method. Solving this problem of multiple-criteria optimization, the necessary values of the mass coefficient and the bend of the railway sleeper were determined in natural and coded scales, respectively. The obtained properties of the material for a polymer composite sleeper are selected by reducing the parameters to the minimum permissible values that characterize the stress-strain state of the structure. Optimising the task of finding optimal properties of a sleeper structure made of composite material using this method, we obtain properties of the sleeper that can vary. The response of functions that depend on variable factors is presented in the form of second-order polynomial models in which the coefficients were determined by experiment planning methods. The bending coefficient is necessary to determine the elastic modulus of a polymer-composite sleeper in the longitudinal direction. The mass value is determined from the operating conditions in the railway track block and is 145-154 kg, the value of the elastic modulus in the longitudinal direction is 6200-7600 MPa, and in the transverse direction-not less than 1000 MPa.
wood, experiment, polynomial, optimization, strength, composite.
За время существования железнодорожных путей всегда стояла проблема долговечности шпал, а так же надежности ходовой части железнодорожного состава. Полимерный композитный материал должен предоставлять компромисс между жестким и мягким режимами движения железнодорожного подвижного состава, т.е. параметры данного материала должны находиться между железобетоном и древесиной.
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