Russian Federation
The results of experimental-theoretical work on the creation of new polymeric materials based on wood waste are considered. This material can be used in the outer layers of a wood-based polymer fiberglass composite in order to increase its strength properties. Instantaneous elastic moduli, conditional tensile strengths, and Poisson's ratio were determined, and the potential chemical activity of the components of the wood-based polymer fiberglass composite was revealed. The fiberglass polymer composite on the furfural-acetone monomer showed good performance when used as a structural composite of containers for storing aggressive liquids, chemically resistant tiles for shop floors, etc., which are exposed to electric current, aggressive liquids, and temperature. This material can be used in wood chemical production, capacities of energy chemical plants, furfural production, as well as in the outer layers of wood-based polymer fiberglass composite in order to increase its strength properties, specifically crack resistance. The basic compositions of the polymer fiberglass composite and its basic regulatory mechanical characteristics are given. This development is a kind of continuation of the theme of the use of forest industry waste for the production of competitive composite materials. This material will allow to utilize a huge amount of forest industry waste. In addition, the use of wood waste as a building material will make it possible to replace wood in some areas, which in turn will reduce logging and increase woodworking efficiency. All this will undoubtedly lead to an improvement in the ecological situation.
composite materials, fiberglass, wood waste, polymer.
В России остаются не использованными огромные количества древесных отходов – опилок, стружек, щепы и др., поэтому очень важным вопросом остается утилизации древесных отходов. На сегодняшний день это актуально. Древесные отходы на сегодняшний день составляют около более 90 млрд. тонн и необходимо найти производителя, который целенаправленно и с максимальной выгодой использует данное сырье. Например, использовав его в качестве наполнителя для полимерного стекловолокнистого композиционного материала.
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