Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article considers developing the department's website as a means of professional communication in the unified information educational environment of a military academy. The structure of the site contains all the elements that reflect the activities of the department staff. The site displays educational, methodological, scientific and educational activities of the department, provides information about the teaching staff, and reveals the features of professional training. The information content of the site has such important characteristics as information content, accessibility, reliability and objectivity of published materials, and efficiency. The composition of the information structure of the department's website allows to increase the effectiveness of all areas of the department's activities, to analyze scientific, methodological and educational ties, to increase the professional motivation of the teaching staff. The website of the department contains up-to-date information that allows to streamline the process of professional communication in a military academy.

site of the department; professional communication; information educational department; teaching staff; educational process in the military academy

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