The article discusses the process of teaching reading skills and the development of communicative competencies in the context of distance education. Distance education stimulates the development of the students’ value orientation, determines the direction of personality development training, opens up new opportunities for progress, exchange the education and training, promotion the successful intercultural communication. The interactive capacity of distance learning lies in providing an intensive process of communication with remote communication partners based on the text. Provided that communication means the exchange of information in a foreign language, then the transmission of text messages is the most meaningful form of information transfer. The idea that the perception of text messages in remote communication is an adequate form of information transfer is substantiated. The role of intellectual activity and production is increasing in the modern context of higher education globalization. The main value is the information itself and the ability to apply it. Distance learning occupies an important place in the process of specialists’ professional development. The author characterizes the reading skill both from the learning speed of implementation standpoint, and the standpoint focused on achieving and understanding the linguistic representation. The process of communicative competence creation, based on the skills of reading in the context of distance learning special features’ development is discussed.
distance education, work on text, communicative competence, emotional and evaluation component, interactive capacity
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