Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article is devoted to the actual problem of prevention of extremist moods of students in modern conditions of functioning of educational organizations of higher education. The development of prevention programs that ensure the effectiveness of the corresponding preventive activities of higher education institutions should be based on empirically confirmed and scientifically based information about the patterns and factors of occurrence and development of extremist moods of ethnic and religious orientation among students. The article presents the results of an empirical study that reveals the current state of the problem of the spread of extremist moods among modern students and the level of their propensity to extremist activities. Based on the results of the conducted empirical research, the author constructs a predictive model of possible manifestations of extremism among students studying in modern Russian universities, thereby determining the need and feasibility of developing effective measures to prevent the development of extremism in the youth environment. The empirical study involved 563 students of 2-3 courses of a number of Russian universities that carry out educational activities and implement educational programs in various areas of training (law, Economics, psychological, psychological-pedagogical and pedagogical education, etc.). Based on the identification of indicators of a person's propensity to ethnic extremism and the development of appropriate diagnostic tools, the author conducts a study, which concludes that it is necessary to search for effective measures to prevent extremist manifestations in the student environment in the process of organizing the educational process of the University. The revealed level of students ' propensity to extremism and its manifestation in their life activity is the main indicator of the relevance of the problem of preventing ethnic extremism among students in the process of their education at the University.

extremism, ethnic extremism, hidden aggression, multicultural competence, students, educational environment of the University

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