Tula, Tula, Russian Federation
Tula, Tula, Russian Federation
The purpose of the work was to identify the most important unresolved industry problems of the education development strategy. Based on the approaches and provisions of economic theory, theory and history of modern economic development, systems theory, it was possible to identify some of the most important problems of education development strategy. One of the most important unresolved problems related to the fact that the strategy should aimed at increasing labor productivity with new technologies that make it possible to replace the labor of those employed in the education sector with technical means. At the same time, it should take into account that the field of education has significant limitations associated with the most important role of creative processes that cannot reproduced by technical means, for example, artificial intelligence systems. Another problem of the education development strategy is associated with the modernization of the content of education, which is necessary in the transition to a post-industrial economy. In order to form the institutions and intellectual climate necessary for economic development and growth, the economically active population must have knowledge in the fields of both natural and social-humanoid sciences. Quality assurance is another critical issue in the education development strategy. Developers of strategies do not have a good enough idea of the essence of the category "quality", do not know the methods and tools for measuring and assessing quality, which determines the ability of a good to satisfy the needs of the consumer. As a result, quality assurance carried out in the form of an archaic command and control system based on the application of orders, standards and control, which, inherited from the industrial economy is ineffective and not competitive in modern conditions.
productivity, economic growth, post-industrial system, innovation, human capital, adequate worldview, economics, sociology, quality
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