Tula, Tula, Russian Federation
Tula, Tula, Russian Federation
Tula, Russian Federation
The work is devoted to the study of sources and mechanisms of financing investment activities of health care institutions in the region at the municipal level. It is established that out of the three state-controlled sources of financing, only the Federal budget and the budget of the subject of the Federation are allocated for investment purposes as part of the implementation of the region's sectoral state health program. The results of the reorganization of Central district hospitals conducted in 2019 are studied. in Kaluga region. Significant amounts of allocated funds and a lot of "pain points" for investment create a problem of their effective distribution between inter-district and district Central hospitals. The methodical approach to its solution based on the evaluation of the ratio of supply and demand for health services in each municipality in the study, the proposals of the Central district hospitals according to the volume and quality of medical services and demand for them with the position of the current and future needs of the population in the conditions of formation and use of regional information and consultancy platforms of the Unified state information system of health (USISH).
region, budget, healthcare, investment, digital platform, government programs, social infrastructure
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