Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
On the basis of econometric models of labor productivity in the regions of the Central Federal District, estimates of private - regional coefficients of labor productivity elasticity by productivity factors were obtained. Fixed assets are used most effectively in the Belgorod and Moscow regions and in Moscow. The least efficient use of fixed assets is in the Ivanovo, Bryansk and Tver regions. Mechanisms for stimulating labor productivity associated with inequality in income distribution function most effectively in Belgorod, Moscow regions and in Moscow. Mechanisms for stimulating labor productivity associated with inequality of income distribution are the least effective in Ivanovo and Bryansk regions. The most effective scientific activity is in the Belgorod and Moscow regions and in Moscow. The least effective scientific activity is in the Ivanovo and Bryansk regions. The most effective export activity is in the Belgorod and Moscow regions and in Moscow. The least efficient export activities are in Ivanovo, Bryansk and Kostroma regions.

productivity, regions, elasticity, fundraising, income inequality, science, export, econometric models

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