Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article examines the communicative potential of the "European home" concept building on the work of the outstanding French writer Michel Houellebecq. The article presents the grounds for referring to fiction when clarifying issues related to the study of the peculiarity of the cultural space of the United Europe, it highlights the value of "culture lens" implementation used along with special philological and philosophic research. Moreover the article below shows the said concept’s significance for understanding the distance between the characters Of M. Houellebecq and the writer himself as the author of these works as well as traces the key aspects of studying the existential experiences of these characters (loneliness, confusion, loss of life objectives) in the context of a new type of communication defined by new technologies (including those of social governance). It is concluded that it is necessary to shift the research perspective when it comes to the analysis of artistic images created by M. Houellebecq, this shift having three main axes: political (the ideology of euroscepticism: "European Home" is but a fiction), religious ("European home" loses its gods) and humanitarian (France transmits the idea of a" common European home "in a paradoxical way by actively disseminating so called "Euro values" while maintaining its nationally minded cultural orientation). M. Houellebecq's attitude to the change in the existential content of the new European communication space is reconstructed on the basis of his metaphorical use of the "European home" concept, which has a distinctly ambivalent potential.

United Europe, the problem of European cultural unity, "European home", M. Houellebecq, communicative space, values of communication

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