Moscow, Russian Federation
The article discusses the features of suicidal behavior and substantiates the relevance of group forms of prevention of such destructions. A separate part of the work is devoted to factors and indicators of suicidal behavior, which should pay attention to the heads of divisions of the internal Affairs bodies of the Russian Federation when conducting preventive measures to identify and prevent suicidal behavior among personnel. Big and main part of the work devoted to group forms of prevention of suicidal behavior among cadets of the Moscow regional branch Moscow University of the MIA of Russia named after V.Ya. Kikot. The novelty of this work is the use of socio-psychological training classes for the prevention of suicidal behavior of students. Such classes in the article are divided into several areas: 1) Training and game forms aimed at active physical interaction of participants in order to maximize the inclusion of a person in the group. 2) Game problem situations in order to solve and get out of them with the help of logical thinking of each individual. 3) Exercises for the development of human energy potential. These exercises are associated with addressing the unused physical and energy capabilities of a person. This can include perception training practices, active and passive meditative training, which participants should eventually use in their private life practice as often as possible. Such group classes can be used not only in educational organizations of the Ministry of internal Affairs of Russia, but also used in similar formats in other structures of internal Affairs bodies of the Russian Federation.
suicide, suicidal behavior, suicidal indicators, group prevention of suicidal behavior
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