from 01.01.2023 until now
Saransk, Saransk, Russian Federation
BISAC BUS000000 General
BISAC BUS001010 Accounting / Financial
BISAC BUS001040 Accounting / Managerial
BISAC BUS007000 Business Communication / General
BISAC BUS077000 Corporate & Business History
BISAC BUS017000 Corporate Finance / General
BISAC BUS017020 Corporate Finance / Valuation
BISAC BUS092000 Development / General
BISAC BUS020000 Development / Business Development
BISAC BUS068000 Development / Economic Development
BISAC BUS090000 E-Commerce / General (see also COMPUTERS / Electronic Commerce)
BISAC BUS022000 Economic Conditions
BISAC BUS069000 Economics / General
BISAC BUS039000 Economics / Macroeconomics
BISAC BUS027000 Finance / General
BISAC BUS027010 Finance / Financial Engineering
BISAC BUS082000 Industrial Management
The purpose of the study is to develop theoretical positions, methodological approaches and practical aspects of the formation of a system of digital business solutions and the network environment of the smart city infrastructure. In accordance with the intended purpose it is supposed to solve a series of staged objectives, namely: to systematize the evolution of information and communication technologies; to identify the peculiarities of the network character of modern business and social institutions, as well as the peculiarities of the information economy and market information products and services; to substantiate the basic principles and laws of the functioning of economic entities in the information and digital economy. The practical significance of the research lies in the development of a system of digital business solutions and the network environment of the smart city infrastructure in the context of the possibilities of their synergy and singular development.
digital economy, network economy, new technological way of life, digitalization, cost, virtual world, network
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5. Putin. V Rossii sozdadut 6 krupnih tsentrov IT. [Putin: Russia will create six major research centers in the field of IT]. URL:
6. Putin zaivil o neobhodimosti tsifrovoi transformatii v Rossii. [Putin stated the need for digital transformation of Russia]. URL: URL:
7. Upravliat mnogoetagkoi stalo proshe. [Managing a high-rise building has become easier. How has the "Electronic House" changed?] «Arguments and Facts». no. 47 . URL:
8. Tsifrovizatia finansovo-kreditnoi sferi. [Digitalization of the financial and credit sphere in modern Russia]. E. V. Ageeva, M. A. Afanasova, A. S. Balandina, etc.; under the general editorship of M. G. Zhigas, A. A. Shelupanov. - Moscow; Berlin: Direct-Media Publ., 2019. - 407 p.; EDN:
9. Ekspert nazval sroki vnedrenia iskustvennogo intellekta v Rossii. [The expert called the timing of the introduction of artificial intelligence in Russia ]. URL:
10. Kulagin V., Sukharevsky A., Meffert Yu. Digital@Scale: Nastolnaia kniga po tsifrovizatii biznesa [Desktop book on business digitalization]. M.: Intellectual Literature Publ., 2020. - 329 p