Kemerovo, Kemerovo, Russian Federation
The necessity of updating of the content of education for a bachelor's degree in socio-cultural activities, taking into account the requirements of the federal state educational standard of higher education in the direction of preparation 51.03.03 "Socio-cultural activity" is substantiated. The concepts of the quality of life, cultural inclusion and indicators of socio-cultural inequality of people with disabilities included in the socially unprotected group of the population are considered. The article analyzes the statistical data presented by the Federal State Statistics Service concerning the costs of leisure services and the needs of people with disabilities in comparison with the healthy working-age population. The necessity of updating the content of professional training of bachelors of socio-cultural activity on the basis of identifying the needs of people with disabilities in various forms of cultural and leisure activities is proved. The question is raised about the relevance of further research of indicators of socio-cultural inequality in the cultural inclusion of people belonging to a socially vulnerable group of the population.
Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education, approximate basic educational program, cultural inclusion, quality of life, indicators of socio-cultural inequality, educational content of a bachelor's degree in socio-cultural activity
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