Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article outlines a range of methodological problems that arise when teaching younger schoolchildren, the ability to use information presented in the form of diagrams. Modern textbooks of mathematics for elementary school and methodological recommendations to them related to the topic “Diagrams” of the section “Working with information” are analyzed. Since the development in younger schoolchildren of the skills of working with visual sign-symbolic means of graphical presentation of information is one of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of Primary General Education for meta-subject learning outcomes, the author proposes methodological techniques and a system of assignments that allow to eliminate the current and potential difficulties of primary school students when mastering charts.

younger schoolchildren; requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of Primary General Education; subject and metasubject results of mastering the content of the Basic educational program of primary general education; work with information; charts; methodological techniques for eliminating difficulties; system of tasks

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