Russian Federation
UDK 62 Инженерное дело. Техника в целом. Транспорт
A new class of information-measuring and control systems with a configurable structure and flexible sensing elements is introduced and justified. The basics of the methodology for the synthesis of such systems are developed, including the synthesis of meters and algorithms for functioning, the development of mathematical support and a method for studying the stability of the system, aimed at increasing its energy efficiency by achieving the required accuracy and speed.
error variance, correlation function, reflection coefficient, model, synthesis, block diagram, stability
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4. Information Support Of Finding A Solution The Problem Of Hidden Objects / Yu.Yu. Gromov, I.N. Ishchuk, V.V. Alekseev, V.E. Didrikh, V.M. Tyutyunnik // Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology. -2017. - Vol. 95, № 3. - P. 615-620.
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6. Modelirovanie informacionnyh sistem na osnove zakonov raspredeleniya sluchaynyh velichin : monografiya / Yu.Yu. Gromov, I.G.Karpov, I.N.Ischuk, Yu.V.Minin, O.G.Ivanova, V.M.Tyutyunnik. - Tambov, 2019.- 202 s.
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