Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
Global changes taking place in all spheres of life have influenced the education sector. The school must prepare a graduate who can successfully socialize and be in demand and competitive. That is why the problem of professional self-determination and choice of a future profession by students is especially acute. According to the authors of the article, one of the most important conditions for the successful professional self-determination of students is the vocational guidance environment of the school. The authors give a definition of the concept of "vocational guidance environment". They describe the stages of its formation, and also present the experience of creating a career guidance environment in one of the schools in the Moscow region. The material of the authors can be useful for creating a career guidance environment, early career guidance and pre-professional training of students in educational organizations, which will ensure the emergence of a "new type" graduate - a young person who has the ability to consciously choose a professional path in unity with professional mobility.
professional self-determination, early career guidance, pre-professional training, vocational guidance environment
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