Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The study of Russian as well as foreign experience concerning the effective practices for performing learners’ vocational training and self-determination allows the educators to extrapolate the most adequate ideas, principles, technologies, approaches to the development and implementation of career guidance and vocational training programs intended for specialists. The acquired knowledge can be further used for analysis, comprehension and application of the best practices in the system of advanced vocational training. The article considers the features of the dual secondary vocational training system of Germany and focuses on the career guidance experience in schools and colleges in the UK. It also presents approaches that are not widespread and less known in Russia than in other countries to apply them to the dual higher education system. Some elements of effective foreign practices of vocational training, self-determination and career guidance can be used in advanced vocational training centers as well as in institutions involved in general secondary, secondary vocational and additional education.

foreign experience, advanced vocational training, vocational self-determination, professional orientation, advanced vocational training center, integration and interaction

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