Russian Federation
from 13.10.2007 until now
Russian Federation
The article devoted to the communication context created by the creative class - a social group that needs a diverse, renewable experience. The desire to buy this experience and look for new feelings transforms their behavior and communication activity into affective one. The idea of social and cultural mobility was formed in a democratic society together with the global idea of liberalism and tolerance. In this context media stimulate communication, public speaking becomes an easy form of activity and the creative class calls for multiculturalism and breaking political, social and cultural patterns. But this social group is still trying to create new patterns of behavior. Until these patterns of behavior are created, tolerance will exist as an ideologeme and communication will fight with formal patterns, but not with ideological patterns.
creative class; interactive communication; types of social action; affective action; creative identity; cancel culture; tolerance; VUCA; VUCA 2.0; patterns and stereotypes
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