Russian Federation
Introduction. The article aims to examine the problems pertaining to personality traits and physiological development caused by the digital transformation of education. Education is one of the main components of a society’s social structure and is constantly subject to changes under external factors. One of these factors is digitalization, which has an ambiguous impact on the abovementioned process. Research methodology. The methodological basis of the research consists of general scientific methods such as synthesis, analysis, comparison, as well as special research methods such as content analysis of official documents. Results. In the course of the research the author comes to the conclusion that not only does the digitalization of education create new opportunities for learning but also gives rise to problems that can potentially affect the development of pupils' personalities and their health. These include as follows: introduction of untested technologies, of which the impact has not yet been scientifically proven; deterioration of writing, reading, speaking as well as other socially important skills, sight impairments, computer addiction and IAD, which can generally lead to the development of the so-called 'digital dementia'. It should be noted that not enough research on the impact of digital technologies on the mental and physical health of children is available at the moment. Nor are there many scientific investigations concerning the safety and effectiveness of learning by means of digital environment. The introduction of digital technologies raises concerns about their impact on pupils’ health and on society as a whole; there are discussions about the role of teachers in the educational process as well.
digitalization of education, problems, secondary education, general education, digital technologies, digital dementia, electromagnetic radiation, cognitive processes, writing and reading skills, digital environment, screen addiction, information privacy, digital educational process
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