BISAC TEC020000 Manufacturing
Taking into account specific entrepreneurial risks, recommendations are given on the formation of the infrastructure of risky investment at the meso-level and the development of investment programs, strategies of territories within the framework of financial and economic assistance to the development of entrepreneurship in the oil and gas complex. Within the limits of the rights, powers and responsibilities granted by the legislation to local governments in the field of socio-economic development of subordinate territories, the characteristics of the means of financial and economic assistance to the development of small and medium-sized businesses in the oil and gas complex are given. From the point of view of supporting the development of entrepreneurship in the oil and gas complex, investment strategies of the territories should be based on both basic economic factors and specialized programs in relation to direct real, strategic and portfolio investors. At the same time, the systematic, integrated use of the cause-and-effect relationships described in this work should contribute to the development of the domestic oil and gas complex in modern conditions.
industrial entrepreneurship, oil and gas complex, financial and economic instrument, investments, governmental support, financing
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