Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article is devoted to the study of the peculiarities of the stochastic worldview of high school students. Stochastic world outlook lays the landmarks of creative and practical activities, helps to create favorable conditions for development of intellectual potential of a pupil. Digitalization in education determines the dominant nature of both the active use of modern methods, tools and technologies of education, and the formation of students' digital skills, training in data processing and analysis, which is closely related to the teaching of stochastics and indicates the relevance of research. In this regard, the untapped potential of stochasticity is greater than any other field of knowledge. Widely used probabilistic-statistical methods contribute to the study of variability and complexity of political, economic, social processes. In this regard, a model of formation of stochastic worldview of high school students in the conditions of digitalization of mathematical education is developed. This model is a set of educational and digital information content, which gives the results of the educational process a new quality of education, allows you to realize the integrity of the worldview, values and motivational constructs, creates the necessary conditions under which it becomes possible to generate knowledge by students themselves based on self-development and self-actualization, their active and productive creativity.

stochasticity, stochastic worldview, digitalization, mathematical education, secondary general education

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