Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The pulp and paper industry’s multi-tonnage liquid waste is spent cooking liquor containing lignosulfonates, which disposal and processing remains one of the most complex environmental and technological problems, which should be solved. Lignosulfonates have unique colloidal-chemical properties, which determines their high resource potential. However, lignosulfonates’ composition instability often does not provide the properties and indicators set by the consumer. Changing market conditions require constant waste monitoring and modification, that prevents the widespread lignosulfonates use in industrial practice. In this paper, the causes for the formation of lignin-containing waste and its impact on the environment are considered. A strategy for lignosulfonates utilization has been developed, as well as promising methods for these wastes processing and disposal, which will expand the use of lignosulfonates and reduce the pulp and paper industry negative impact on the environment.

lignosulfonates, lignosulfonates utilization methods, building materials

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