Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The history of "Environmental Acoustics" research area development in the activities of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University’s "Ecology and Industrial Safety" chair in general from the end of the nineteenth century to the present time has been described. Much attention is paid to the activities of E.Ya. Yudin (as the creator of the technical acoustics scientific school at the chair) and his students as well. Have been presented the main areas of carried out at the chair research works (both theoretical and practical), related to problems of noise and vibration reduction. Have been considered the issues of technical acoustics teaching in the framework of the recently created "Environmental Acoustics" master's program, as well as the prospects for this area development at the chair in the near future.

acoustics, engineering sciences, noise, vibrations, thesis defense, teaching, research works, scientific school

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27. Komkin A.I., Rednikin A.N. Snizhenie shuma vypusknyh gazov dvigatelya vnutrennego sgoraniya transportnyh sredstv aktivnym metodom // Vestnik MGTU im. N.E. Baumana. Ser.: Mashinostroenie. 1998. № 1. C. 115-125.

28. Komkin A.I. Aktivnoe gashenie shuma. Problemy i perspektivy // Bezopasnost' zhiznedeyatel'nosti. 2001. № 4. S. 12-18.

29. Komkin A.I. Snizhenie shuma mashin aktivnym metodom. Uchebnoe posobie. - M. MGTU im. N.E. Baumana: 2000. 21 s.

30. Komkin A.I. Metody izmereniya akusticheskih harakteristik zvukopogloschayuschih materialov // Izmeritel'naya tehnika. 2003. № 3. S. 47-50.

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