from 01.01.2020 until now
Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
Novocherkassk, Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation
The authors consider the problem of free spreading of two-dimensional, in terms of turbulent, potential uniform flows and obtain an analytical solution. In this case, the flow movement occurs in a smooth horizontal channel along short watercourses, when the flow resistance forces can be neglected. The article approximates the limits of the applicability of the obtained solution. For this purpose, the basic principles of the formation of a flow spreading lobe are considered, taking into account the friction forces. The main task is to determine the extreme line of the current before it hits the side walls and the maximum expansion of the flow, taking into account the resistance forces.
rapid two-dimensional flow, limiting expansion of the flow, taking into account the resistance forces, spreading lobe, coordinates of the extreme current line, flow impact on the wall
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